Welcome message

Welcome to the Ardgillan College website which we hope will provide you with an understanding and appreciation of the values, practices and aspirations of our school. As you browse through these pages we hope that you will gain a good insight into the excellent modern facilities, the wide ranging curriculum and the vibrant extra-curricular programme offered at the college.

Our vision, based on the three pillars of Teamwork, Respect and Excellence, is that the college community will work together in atmosphere of mutual respect and that our students will grow in confidence, personality and character. We believe that every student has special gifts and talents and that by co-operating together as a team we can nurture their confidence, create high expectations and support them to achieve their full potential.

Ardgillan College is a post-primary school serving the growing community of Balbriggan, County Dublin and the surrounding townlands. The college was established in 2009 and is named after Ardgillan Castle and Demesne which is located close by. Based in Castlelands, Balbriggan, the college, under the patronage of  Dublin & Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB), is multi-denominational and co-educational.

The college crest, designed by the students, contains a lighthouse representing Balbriggan, a castle with light beaming from its windows, representing Ardgillan Castle and the light of knowledge, and an acorn symbolising life and growth. The wording on the crest – mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí - is very appropriate because it underpins the philosophy that children prosper when they are praised and supported.

Ardgillan College is very proud of the reputation that it has developed over its short history which is a result of the incredible commitment and great work carried out by students, staff and parents. Ardgillan College delivers a six year cycle from first year to sixth year. Waiting lists exist for entry into each year group and a spirit of partnership, teamwork and positivity permeates throughout the college. 


Ardgillan College is proudly managed by Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB).

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board was established in July 2013 through the merger of two Vocational and Education Committees (VECs), County Dublin VEC (established 1930) and Dún Laoghaire VEC. This was followed by the incorporation of three SOLAS (formerly FÁS) Training Centres in Baldoyle, Loughlinstown and Tallaght to DDLETB in January 2014. We have been providing education and supporting learners of all ages for over 90 years and are one of largest of 16 ETBs in Ireland.

We are the proud patrons of Community National Schools (Primary) and Special Schools, Second-level Community Colleges, Further Education Colleges and Training Centres, Adult Education Services, Youthreach, Youth Community Training and Youth and Sports Development Facilities across the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire area.

We have developed an excellent reputation for our provision of inclusive, innovative, high-quality education that meets the needs of the entire community. We provide education through the medium of Irish and English. We pride ourselves on our commitment to Innovation in Education, Special Educational needs, Information Technology in Education, promoting the Arts and allowing every learner to achieve their full potential.

Our vision and values:

Our vision is to actively lead the provision of high-quality education and training.

Our mission is to provide a wide range of education and training programmes, services and supports to children, young people, and adults across the DDLETB region. We put the learner at the heart of everything we do, and we believe that lifelong learning is key to personal development and wellbeing, social inclusion, and economic prosperity.

Our operational values in providing our services are illustrated below:

  • Equality: Fairness, respect, and inclusion in the treatment of our learners, stakeholders and staff and a culture where diversity is welcomed and valued.
  • Collaboration: Working in partnership with our learners, stakeholders and staff and facilitating the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and skills.
  • Innovation: Remaining a leader in the provision of education and training by encouraging new ideas, trying out different approaches and responding to change.
  • Professionalism: Courtesy, efficiency, and excellence in our dealings with our learners, stakeholders and staff and working to the highest standards in education and training.
  • Integrity: Honesty, transparency and confidentiality and meeting our responsibilities as a provider of lifelong learning in a consistent and ethical fashion.

Our overall aim is to enable our learners to reach their full individual potential and we strive to offer learning experiences which respond to the needs of learners of all ages and abilities. We ensure that guidance and supports are available to our learners to help them attain their learning goals and desired qualifications.

For full details of our services, schools and centres please visit our website www.ddletb.ie

Our schools are state, co-educational, multi- denominational, inclusive, learner-centred, and community-focused and are underpinned by our five ETB core values of, Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community and Respect.


You can learn more about our ETB Ethos on our website https://www.ddletb.ie/ethos/
